Magic Mind You


The 3 doshas : a first glimpse into understanding your body composition

Ayurveda which translates to the “Science of Life” in Sanskrit believes that in order to heal your body, you first need to understand your body composition. Contrary to how Western societies treat patients with pills as a one size fits all, Ayurveda techniques work to understand the personal make-up of each individual by using the three Dosha technique. This technique seeks to identify your unique body and mental type in order to create the best healing program for you.

1. VATA dosha.

VATA dosha is ruled by the elements of air and space. This dosha has to do with movement and governs every movement in the body such as blinking, heartbeats and breathing. These types are often tall, thin and do not put on weight easily. VATA dosha’s are motivated by their creative side and an ever changing intellectual environment as they are easily prone to boredom. VATA types are attracted to sweet, sour and salty foods. With all this movement VATA can quickly become imbalanced and often experience feelings of anxiety, fear and nervousness.

2. PITTA dosha.

PITTA dosha is ruled by the elements of fire and water. With the fire element in them, PITTA types are driven by ambition and passion. They love a challenge and to win. PITTA types have a medium sized build and can gain and lose weight easily. These individuals have cravings for lots of sweets and cold drinks. However prone to perfectionism, these types can easily become hot tempered and prone to internal inflammation if unbalanced.



3. KAPHA dosha.

KAPHA dosha is ruled by the elements of earth and water. Kapha individuals are easy-going and laid back. They like to take their time and at the same time are very hard working. Kapha types have excellent thick hair and enjoy all types of foods but particularly those with pungent, bitter and sweet flavours. Kapha types more than any other need to schedule regular exercise sessions in order not to become unbalanced.



It’s important to note that this brief presentation of the 3 doshas represents the purest aspects of each. As a matter of fact we are all a combination of the three in varying degrees. Identifying your primary dosha is pretty easy and will already be a step forward the right direction to a thriving you ! Find out more about which foods you should be eating for your dosha in our next blog post 😉

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