Magic Mind You


Increasing your vibration in these uncertain times

Fear, guilt or anger are all at the bottom of the vibration scale. The year 2020 has brought upon a lot of these negative emotions due to the pandemic and lockdowns. When our minds go into a state of fear or anger, our vibrational frequency decreases and make us much more prone to illness. Let’s all end this year in a positive way and increase our vibration to bring on a better and stronger 2021!



This has got to be the most used word of 2020 and for good reason. Being mindful of your environnement and the people you spend time with will have an enormous impact of your vibrational frequency and your well being. Next time you attend a party try and think: ‘is this environment serving my energy or is it making me uncomfortable?’. Same goes for your friends, are they working to improve themselves or always complaining? Once you have figured out the best places for yourself and your vibration, more higher vibrational events will start appearing in your life. Pro tip:next time you feel anxious or stressed, take a deep breath and focus on the things you see around you. By looking at what’s in front of you rather that thinking about the ‘laters or tomorrows’ your mind will calm down and anxiety will fade almost instantly !

Spending time in nature

Nothing beats the vibrational frequency offered to us by Mother Nature. Have you ever wondered why it feels so calming to take a walk through a forest or have a picnic in a park? That’s because the closer we are to nature the higher we feel its energy flowing through us. Next time you take a walk through the forest, try taking off your shoes and walking barefoot to really allow the energy to flow from the base of your feet to your crown chakra. You can also sit in a park press both palm on the ground, close your eyes and focus on the energy flow between you and mother Gaia. Such practices will increase your vibration and fill you with positive, calming energies.

Fuelling right

Eating right is good, but eating well is better. Our vibrational frequencies is largely affected by what we put into our bodies. Unfortunately in most societies today most people prefer buying convenience boxed foods that are filled with synthetics and chemicals. Next time you go shopping try and pick foods that don’t come in a box : fruits and vegetables of all colours as well as nuts and seeds are all packed with vitamins and nutrients to keep our frequency waay up there! Plus eating right will make mindfulness easier and help us connect to nature on a deeper level.
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